- Should a corporation have a social purpose?
- What is the corporation’s broader responsibility to society, if any?
- How can ESG initiatives be measured?
- Should management be compensated and incented on ESG performance?
- What are the human capital risks and opportunities of an ESG focus?
- What is the roles of institutional investors in shifting focus away from short term performance toward longer term goals?
- Will ESG need government intervention to assure their compliance?
- How should boards monitor and report their ESG initiatives?

Presented by Directors & Boards, this forum will bring together top public company board members, institutional shareholders, proxy advisors, judicial and governmental representatives and corporate governance thought leaders to discuss the character of the modern corporation and how boards can balance profit and and social and governance principals.
The goal of this working event is to develop a 5-10 point plan for dealing with increased pressure to focus on ESG and other corporate social responsibilities at the board level.
The Character of the Corporation is produced by Directors & Boards Magazine. Through digital platforms, print magazines, and live events, Directors & Boards is dedicated to the topics of leadership and corporate governance. Its audience is at the very pinnacle of business: board chairmen, CEOs and members of senior management, corporate board members, and board advisers.
Attendance at this conference is strictly limited to owners, shareholders, family members, in-laws and executives of 75 family businesses/enterprises. The conference is designed to facilitate conversation on important family issues among generations. There is special programming for family business members aged 15-29, and for those who have married-in to the family business.
The Transitions conference is for family companies and family offices of all sizes. Approximately one third of attendees represent companies with revenues of under $25 million, one third of attendees have revenues of between $26 million and $300 million; and one third have revenues of over $300 million. And approximately a third of attendees are in the third generation or less; a third were in generations 4 and 5; and third were part of companies more than 6 generations old. What all attendees share is a desire to see their family enterprise grow successfully through generational transitions.
68% of attendees at Transitions are coming to the conference for the first time; 100% of attendees at our last conference say they’ll attend again, and that they’d recommend the conference to other family members.
NOTE: All attendees will be vetted to ensure that they are family company leaders, members or shareholders. This event is only for family-run companies or enterprises. Senior advisers to family companies may attend ONLY with the family company they represent.
For further information, contact conference director David Shaw at (301) 963-6162 or email dshaw@familybusinessmagazine.com.
Contact Peter Begalla, Conference and Education Director, (386) 785-7856 or email pbegalla@familybusinessmagazine.com. Please note that the conference extends a complimentary registration for conference speakers. In addition, conference speakers are featured in Family Business and Directors & Boards magazines and websites. Speakers are responsible for their own expenses, to include hotel, meals, and travel. Proposals promoting company products or services will not be considered.
If your company provides services to family businesses, please considering sponsoring the conference. Access to Transitions conference attendees—by attending the conference, a tabletop exhibit and/or by participating as a moderator/panelist is only available to conference sponsors. Alternatively, if you are an adviser to family businesses, you may register to attend the conference with a family member for a business you advise. Contact Mike Bachman at (215) 405-6070, or email mike.bachman@familybusinessmagazine.com.
Press passes are not available for this conference.