Charles Elson
A leading authority on corporate governance issues, Elson’s fields of expertise include executive compensation, corporate compliance, securities regulation, corporate legal matters and Delaware issues.
Has written extensively on the subject of boards of directors and is a frequent contributor to various scholarly and popular publications.
Vice Chairman of the ABA Business Law Section’s Committee on Corporate Governance.
Advised and consulted organizations spanning a variety of sectors: retail (AutoZone Inc.), manufacturing (Sunbeam Corporation and Circon Corporation), human resources (Towers Perrin), oil and natural gas (Nuevo Energy Company) and non-profit (Investor Responsibility Research Center). Elson is currently a member of the Board of Directors of HealthSouth Corporation, a healthcare services provider.
Do we need fundamental change in how corporations are regulated, to the corporate tax structure, or do we need new governance laws? What role is the government playing and should play in promoting ESG?
- Can boards effectively focus on ESG without governmental help?
- Key issues on the minds of regulators, politicians
- Potential laws, regulations expected in the months and years ahead
- Insights on the role directors should be playing to encourage or thwart new regulations