This is not a typical governance conference. This is a working event designed to deliver an outcome.
Environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues are the most pressing topics for the nation’s boardrooms today.
Join Directors & Boards’ exclusive forum — The Character of the Corporation — to shape the conversation before the conversation shapes you!
We’re bringing together top public company board members, institutional investors, proxy advisers, judicial and governmental representatives and corporate governance thought leaders. Participants will discuss the character of the modern corporation, how boards can balance profit with social purpose and governance principles, and whether they even should.
This is a working event that will address the questions listed below. Attendees will work together to develop 5 to 10 key points that must be addressed in order for boards to focus on ESG and other corporate responsibilities.
Paid attendance for this event is highly limited and open only to serving board members. corporate secretaries and general counsel of public companies.
If you are not a serving public company board member, but you are a senior-level private company director or other governance professional and think you can add value to the conversation, please contact David Shaw directly. Serving public company board members, register here.
Should a corporation have a social purpose? What is a corporation’s broader responsibility to society, if any?
What is ESG (or Corporate Social Responsibility)? Does it emphasize the E, or the S, or the G? Is “ESG” even the right term?
How can ESG initiatives be measured?
Should management be compensated and incented on ESG performance?
What is the impact of ESG on culture, employee retention and recruiting?
What is the role of institutional investors in shifting focus away from short-term performance towards longer-term goals?
Will ESG need government intervention to ensure compliance?
How should boards monitor and report their ESG initiatives?
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